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Hyundai Heavy Breaks World Record for 2-Stroke Engine Production

2008-10-14 09:16 Kind:转载 Author:Hyundai Source:Hyundai
Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) has produced an aggregate of 80 million horsepower in 2-stroke engines...


Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) has produced an aggregate of 80 million horsepower in 2-stroke engines in the 29 years since the production of its first marine diesel engine, becoming the first company in the world to reach the milestone in such a short period of time.


The test run for a 70,000 horsepower 2-stroke engine, which marked the 80 million horsepower milestone, was completed on October 7th. The engine is HHI’s 2,684th engine and will be installed in a 4900 TEU containership ordered from Japan.


HHI reached the 10 million horsepower production mark in 1992, the 20 million mark in 1997, the 30 million mark in 2001, the 40 million mark in 2003, the 50 million mark in 2005, the 60 million mark in 2006, and the 70 million horsepower mark in 2007.


HHI has been the largest engine manufacturer in the world since 1998, and has captured 35 percent of the global engine market. The company has the capacity for annual production of 350 2-stroke engines with an aggregate of 11 million horsepower and 1700 4-stroke engines with an aggregate of 3.8 million horsepower.


HHI has also built the world’s largest electronically controlled marine engine, with 14 cylinders and a maximum capacity of 108,920 bhp. It measures 27.31m in width, 4.4m in length, 15.5m in height, and weighs 2300 tons.


HHI plans to establish a production system with an annual capacity of 750 2-stroke engines and 2500 4-stroke engines by 2009. The company had secured new orders for 635 2-stroke engines and 2186 four-stroke engines by July of 2008.



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