Xingtai Huaya Machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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Xingtai Huaya Machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (HUAYA) was founded in 1996.Since then, HUAYA is dedicated to its core value of "Achieve customers, Carry the future" and has steadily developed into China's outstanding machinery manufacturing enterprise.

HUAYA is a comprehensive enterprise integrating engineering machinery design, research and development, production and assembly. High-quality products, adequate spare parts, fast and efficient after-sales service make the company's products sell well all over the country. HUAYA is willing to work with you to give customers confidence together.

Company InfoContact Us
Main Sell: Main Industry: Four Wheel Electric Counter Balanced Truck 
Company Type: 企业单位 Deal Mode: Forklift Truck Manufacturer Forklift Parts Manufacturer Forklift Truck Seller Forklift Company-Comprehensive 
Reg date: Address: No. 37, Xingwan Industrial Zone, Ren County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province
员工人数: 注册资本: