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Saddle up for Forklift Safety Rodeo & Expo 2008

2008-07-25 13:11 Kind:转载 Author:forkliftaction Source:forkliftaction
Shortly after the Springfield/Clark County Safety Council (SCCSC) was formed in 1994, the Council’s Steering Com...

 Shortly after the Springfield/Clark County Safety Council (SCCSC) was formed in 1994, the Council’s Steering Committee elected to sponsor a “competitive, fun event to promote the safe and efficient operation of powered industrial trucks as a means of showcasing the Council in the community while serving its membership”. So, what is now known as the U.S. Open Forklift Safety Rodeo got its start.  This year, we are introducing a modest, general safety exposition to provide additional activity, access to valuable safety resources and safety education.


On the 7th &  8th November 2008, the Council will be conducting what started out to be a county-wide event which grew into a statewide, Ohio Championship - and now an international event “open” to all comers! As it has grown, it has become a more sophisticated event with more entries each year.


Some in high industry places have challenged the use of the term “rodeo” in view of its connection to the venerable cowboys of then and now! However, this event can be traced back to school bus rodeos, tractor-trailer rodeos - and unlike the animal variety, we have maintained an accident-free record.


The SCCSC Forklift Safety Rodeo is designed to “corral” speed, placing emphasis on knowledge as rated by a 25-question quiz which drives a bonus element, assessment of penalties which add to the clocked time, zero tolerance for the slightest recklessness, tight courses that control speed, all of which will quickly eliminate participants from contention!


So what are some of the highlights of this event for 2008?


Originally a one-day event, it has grown to two days to accommodate the increased popularity. It consists of four events selected from 10 courses we have developed and gained a great deal of experience employing. We plan on two corrals for each event, eight corrals in total to move things along, not a stampede, just keep ‘em rolling along!

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