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Generosity champions

2008-01-22 00:00 Kind:转载 Author:merlo Source:merlo
The Telethon (Television Marathon) was first organized in 1966 in the United States by the popular American act...

The Telethon (Television Marathon) was first organized in 1966 in the United States by the popular American actor Jerry Lewis to raise funds for the research on muscular dystrophy, a quite common disease whose causes were still unknown at the time. The programme was seen by such a large audience and it was so successful from a financial point of view that such initiative was launched in Europe too, first in France and then in Italy in 1991.

Today the Telethon is a deep-rooted solidarity initiative in our country, where fund-raising activities are organized in all main cities. One of the most interesting events is the annual marathon in Udine, which took place on 14th and 15th December with the Civil Defence detachment of Friuli Venezia Giulia among the participants.

For material handling and logistics during the event Civil Defence operators relied on the P 72.10 telescopic handler supplied to the Detachment.

There was a lot of work to do, but thanks to the telescopic handler operators could save their strength and find the energy to run in the “24 hours non-stop” marathon with two teams.

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