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Toyota announces management changes

2007-08-06 00:00 Kind:转载 Author:Shifting Gears Source:WholeSaler Magazine
Toyota Material Handling, U.S.A., Inc. (TMHU) has announced several management changes, including the appointment...


Toyota Material Handling, U.S.A., Inc. (TMHU) has announced several management changes, including the appointment of Ron Roensch to vice president, legal, human resources, and dealer development; Terry Rains to the position of national manager for parts, service and customer satisfaction; Troy Kaiser to the position of national manager for technical and warranty operations; and Bruce Marti, who now serves as national manager of parts, service, customer satisfaction and customer service support (CSS) operations.


Toyota is fortunate to have so many talented and dedicated associates,” said Shankar Basu, president and CEO of TMHU. “These individuals exemplify Toyota’s commitment to providing the best possible customer service to our customers. It is this type of dedication that helps Toyota achieve the distinction as the number one selling lift truck in the United States.”

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