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Doosan Infracore Institute of Technology Launched

2007-07-28 00:00 Kind:转载 Author:Doosan Source:Doosan
The Doosan Infracore Central Research Institute has been responsible for technology research and development at t...

The Doosan Infracore Central Research Institute has been responsible for technology research and development at the corporate level. In June, the organization was upgraded, relocated, and renamed to reflect an expanded role in acquiring the necessary technology for Doosan Infracore to achieve its goals. The new Doosan Infracore Institute of Technology is situated on the same site at Suji, Korea as the Doosan Technology Institute, providing the proper research environment to carry out its mission.

Management has announced a new vision dubbed ?ive Stars, Global Top,?which describes the strategy for achieving some of the world? highest competitiveness on the basis of five designated research priorities. These five key research areas are ?ntelligent?robots, hybrid powertrains, control systems for future machine tools, virtual design & optimization technology, and integrated surface technology (IST). 


" Pluck Five Stars, Reach Global Prominence"


The closure of the Central Research Institute at Incheon ends a 25-year chapter in the history of the company. The new Doosan Infracore Institute of Technology has set its sights on achieving some of the world’s highest technology competitiveness. This goal will be pursued by hiring and training excellent people and by building a strategic system for technology acquisition.  


Uncovering New Businesses and Developing New Technologies


The “Five Stars” refer to five core R&D areas that will be pursued by the new Institute while focusing on three goals. First, we will develop platform technology for bolstering the competitiveness of products already in mass production. Second, we will pursue new, groundbreaking technologies that will enable Doosan Infracore to create innovative products and secure a distinctive edge in next-generation product lines. Finally, we will seek new businesses that can serve as next-generation growth engines for the company.  


Strengthening Companywide R&D Competencies


The Doosan Infracore Institute of Technology is establishing and will pursue technology strategies in line with overall corporate strategies. Moreover, a strategic R&D system will be built to reflect this technology roadmap. The R&D workforce is being greatly expanded, and all engineers will receive ongoing training to enable the Institute to achieve a track record and create a vision befitting its professional stature.

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