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HC Forklifts UK Had a Successful Open Day

2023-06-25 11:01 Kind:转载 Author: HANGCHA Source: HANGCHA
Yesterday, our dealer HC Forklifts UKhad a successful open day. It is thrilled to see so many partners, discuss and share each ot...

Yesterday, our dealer HC Forklifts UKhad a successful open day. It is thrilled to see so many partners, discuss and share each other's ideas. 

Pat, Sales Dept. Manager of HangchaDuring the day, the latest Hangcha products such as XE series lithium forklifts, and 16t XH series high-voltage lithium forklifts were presented and surprised all the dealers with their great performances. Pat, sales dept. manager of Hangcha shared the growth trend of global, Europe, how well Hangcha perform last year with a 70% growth in overseas revenue, and our plan that focuses on new energy forklifts, such as lithium and hydrogen fuel cell forklifts. 

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