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SAMUK team visits China to plan new model launches

2007-08-03 00:00 Kind:转载 Author:MHW Source:MHW
Initial details of new trucks to be launched in the UK are being finalised by the Chairman of Samuk Lift Truck...

Initial details of new trucks to be launched in the UK are being finalised by the Chairman of Samuk Lift Trucks, Sir Neville Bowman-Shaw, following his return from the Far East. There he and Samuk management met at top level with the company Chinese partner, Hangcha, which manufactures the Samuk+HC range of forklift trucks sold across the UK, Ireland and secondary countries.


Sir Neville travelled to China with the Chief Executive, Vanda Morris, together with Colin Garth, Parts Director, and Richard Howard, Senior Technical and Training Manager.


The UK team spent three days in discussion with senior Directors at Hangcha, confirming the exciting new series which will be launched in the UK during 2008/9 ?further expanding the current Samuk+HC line-up of forklift trucks and warehouse machines which was unveiled at IMHX 2007, where the company exhibited over 20 new models.


The trip was used as an opportunity to share ideas with Hangcha research and development team, highlighting the close relationship between the two organisations, which began in the 1980 when Sir Neville visited China on a Government-led trade mission.


Sir Neville explains: he commitment of our Chinese partners to the UK market is a major driving force which will enable us to enjoy significant growth in both sales and market share over the coming 12 months. Testament to this commitment is that for the past six months Hangcha has deployed two of its top engineers from China at our facility in Peterborough, providing support to our own technical team and gathering important data on the UK market.

Samuk team visits China to plan new model launches Hangcha is the second largest Chinese forklift truck manufacturer in 2006 producing more than 30,000 trucks a year and employing over 800 people in the three new assembly halls built in 2005.


The current level of employment is over 1,200 with production running at over 150 per cent which is likely to position Hangcha in pole position for the production year 2007.


This latest visit to China provided an opportunity for Samuk management to witness the laying of the foundation stone for a further new production facility which will open in 2008, serving to redouble capacity by 2009. Hangcha aims to be one of the world top ten forklift truck manufacturers by 2012, and already boasts ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 14001 environmental management standards at its manufacturing facility.


Samuk Lift Trucks Limited is based in Toddington and Peterborough. The company is headed by Sir Neville Bowman-Shaw, the founder of Lancer Boss, and is the exclusive importer of Hangcha Lift Trucks in the UK, sold under the Samuk+HC brand. Hangcha Lift Trucks is the second largest Chinese forklift truck manufacturer, having been making trucks since 1974. The current Hangcha factories can produce up to 40,000 trucks a year and employ over 800 people. The factories are certified as complying with ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 14001 environmental management standards. Development of the company's facilities, which will be complete in 2008, will double its single shift output.


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